Webinar: Govt Expanding Abortion to All Maternity Hospitals Instead of Helping Women and Babies?


On International Women’s Day, newly appointed Minister for Health Jennifer Carroll MacNeill announced that abortion services will commence at Cavan General Hospital on March 31. This means that all 19 of Ireland’s maternity hospitals—places once dedicated solely to welcoming new life—will now perform abortions.

This announcement was made during a statement to the Seanad, with the Minister proudly confirming that the Government has fulfilled its abortion-related pledge in the Programme for Government to “ensure that all maternity hospitals provide equitable access to termination of pregnancy services.”

This decision goes ahead regardless of the abortion numbers spiralling out of control and despite objections from medical consultants at Cavan General, who previously wrote to the Minister expressing their refusal to participate in abortions. The Government responded not by listening to their concerns, but by launching a recruitment drive to hire new personnel willing to perform terminations.

It is deeply disturbing that a facility dedicated to caring for mothers and newborns will now become a place where unborn children will lose their lives—at the taxpayer’s expense. Abortion services now cost the Irish public approximately €7 million a year.

On a day meant to celebrate women, the Minister marked the occasion by confirming the expansion of a service that will end the lives of countless preborn girls and boys. Since the repeal of the Eighth Amendment, tens of thousands of abortions have taken place in Ireland. Tens of thousands of babies who will never take their first steps, go to school, or bring joy to their families.

Join Family & Life for a short, powerful webinar as we reflect on what this means for for Ireland, and for the future of care of mothers and babies in this country.

We’ll look at how the Government is prioritising the expansion of abortion—even as abortion numbers spiral out of control—while ignoring real supports for women and babies.

This Wednesday at 8pm

Register here: tinyurl.com/49xearmc


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