Poland’s Parliament Upholds Pro-Life Stance by Rejecting Bill to Liberalise Abortion Laws


In a significant win for pro-life advocates, Poland's parliament voted on Friday to uphold the nation’s pro life laws, delivering a setback to Prime Minister Donald Tusk new government. The proposed legislation, which aimed to expand abortion laws, was narrowly defeated by a vote of 218-215, with two abstentions.

The defeat highlights the deep divisions within the ruling coalition and the country at large. This liberalisation effort was a cornerstone of Tusk’s agenda to reverse policies established by the previous government.

However, resistance within the coalition proved formidable. Notably, members of the agrarian Polish People’s Party and other coalition partners opposed the bill, highlighting fractures within the governing bloc. Despite holding a parliamentary majority, the coalition fell short by three critical votes, all from Tusk’s own party.

This vote marks a crucial moment in Poland's ongoing debate over abortion, one of the most pro life countries in Europe. 

President Andrzej Duda has also indicated his intent to veto any such bills, even if they pass through parliament.

For pro-life supporters, this parliamentary decision is a reaffirmation of Poland's commitment to protecting the unborn and mothers. It serves as a reminder of the country's deep-rooted values and the ongoing struggle to maintain laws that safeguard the sanctity of life. As the debate continues, the pro-life movement remains vigilant, ready to defend the rights of the unborn against future legislative challenges.

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