New Evidence Points to the Wuhan Institute of Virology
The outbreak of Covid-19 in China has long been the subject of investigation for the world’s scientists. Was the virus an animal-to-human jump in the Wet Market of Wuhan or was there a leak from a laboratory at the Institute of Virology? The Chinese authorities have always dismissed the leak theory angrily, but their own refusal to allow an unrestricted scrutiny from outside of the Institute only feeds the suspicion of a cover-up.
In June this year, approaching four years since the disease appeared, there is little sign that the authorities are ready to allow open inspection of the research at Wuhan’s Institute of Virology. However, new information about the secret activities of Wuhan’s Institute of Virology has emerged, and scientists are a lot more certain how and where Covid-19 was created, and why it spread so rapidly across the world. While there’s no direct evidence, it is very probable that a laboratory leak was the start.
One fact seems clear: the virus originated from colonies of bats in the south-west of China, many hundreds of miles from Wuhan. How was its first appearance in Wuhan so far from its supposed source? This raises a further question. While some animal diseases like rabies can be passed to humans, they do not spread to other people, so how did Covid-19 become a human-to-human infection and spread with such speed?
Research on the coronavirus started in earnest when the Sars virus epidemic appeared in 2002, and the Wuhan Institute became the laboratory where the most daring and advanced research and experiments took place. In 2012, its scientists were called to investigate an abandoned copper mine in south-west China after reports that it was the source of a deadly disease that had killed three workers there. Dr Shi Zhengli and her team brought samples of bats’ faeces back to Wuhan, and soon discovered that a deadly coronavirus existed in these animals.
A cache of secret documents of the CIA has shown that Chinese scientists in Wuhan were working for their country’s military to develop a bio-weapon, and consequently engaged in dangerous experiments, some of which proved deadly. In this scenario, their work, ostensibly to test a new vaccine but secretly to manipulate an animal virus to become a deadly viral plague, which could be used in a war against the US. For this reason, the researchers at Wuhan observed a total silence about these experiments, even after the virus escaped from the laboratory. The new virus soon showed that, unlike most animal viruses, it spreads rapidly from one human to another.
The first known case of Covid-19 is dated on December 1, 2019 in Wuhan, a major city in the province of Hubei. But, in November 2019, some staff at the Institute were accidentally infected with Covid-19 and were taken to hospital with symptoms now recognised as Covid. This makes the Institute, not the city’s Wet Market, the source of the outbreak. Its scientists had created a highly infectious super-coronavirus with a terrifying kill-rate that in all probability would never have emerged in nature. The virus, produced in Wuhan, would infect the world, killing more than seven million people.