
Citizens' Assembly Proceedings to be Live Streamed


The government’s planned Citizens’ Assembly which will consider a referendum on the Eighth Amendment…

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Ireland Tops List on Promotion of Stem Cell Therapies


Ireland has the highest per capita number of clinics engaging in direct-to-consumer marketing of stem…

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Bishop Doran Draws Large Crowd at F&L Meeting


Despite it being the hotest day of the year, a large crowd turned out recently to hear Bishop Kevin Doran…

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Trumped Up Charges Against Planned Parenthood Exposers Dropped


A Texas court has dismissed all criminal charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the pro-life…

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Mass Murderer Wanted Euthanasia for Disabled People


A 26-year-old who went on the rampage, killing 19 people and injuring 25 at a home for disabled people…

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Supreme Court Justice to Chair Abortion Assembly


In an apparent attempt to boost the credibility of its "Citizen's Assembly" (which it intends to pave…

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MPs Want Conscience Protections for Pro-Life Doctors


Doctors and nurses who refuse to take part in abortions are facing increasing hostility and often find…

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"Citizens' Assembly" an Exercise in Political Cowardice - McDowell


The “Citizens’ Assembly” which the government plans to consider amending or removing Article 40.3.3…

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Use of Term "Fatal Foetal Abnormality" Disputed


Margaret Hickey, writing in the Irish Examiner tackles the attempt to use “fatal foetal abnormality”…

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Canada's Euthanasia Law Condemned Amid Attempts to Remove Restrictions


Efforts are already underway to make Canada’s recently-passed euthanasia law more permissive. The law…

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